Release NotesHarness Release NotesSubscribe to all via RSSExplore recent changes to the Harness Platform, modules, delegates, and the Self-Managed Enterprise Edition.Harness Platform release notesPlatform release notesDelegate release notesSelf-Managed Enterprise Edition release notesModule release notesChaos Engineering release notesCloud Cost Management release notesCode Repository release notesContinuous Delivery and GitOps release notesContinuous Error Tracking release notesContinuous Integration release notesFeature Flags release notesInfrastructure as Code Management release notesInternal Developer Portal release notesSecurity Testing Orchestration release notesService Reliability Management release notesSupply Chain Security release notesSoftware Engineering Insights release notesSecurity advisoriesHarness Trust Center - Security advisoriesHarness publishes security advisories for every release on the Harness Trust Center.FirstGen release notesFirstGen SaaS release notesFirstGen Self-Managed Enterprise Edition release notes