Create new dashboard
This section will guide you through creating a new chaos dashboard, and creating custom visualizations for various entities of a chaos experiment.
Before you begin, review the following
Create a new visualization
To create a new dashboard, navigate to Chaos Dashboards and select Go to Dashboards.
Click + Dashboard, and filter by chaos dashboards.
Add values for Folder, Name, and Tags (compulsory).
Don't forget to add the Tags value because this is the field based on which the dashboards are filtered by modules.
- Click Continue. This creates an empty dashboard. You can add visualizations (also known as panels) by editing this dashboard.
As mentioned earlier, you can edit a dashboard that you created.
- Click Edit Dashboard to edit the dashboard that you created in the previous step.
- Click Add and select Visualization.
To visualize the number of successful experiment runs for a specific time period (months in this example), you need three fields:
- Count of successful experiments
- Experiment runs
- Months
Select a table whose fields you wish to visualize. HCE currently supports Chaos Experiment Runs, Chaos Experiments, Chaos Hub, and Chaos Infrastructures. In this example, select Chaos Experiment Runs.
This will display a left bar with different fields.
Select 2 or more fields which you wish to visualize. In this example, the first field would be Month. To select it, go to Chaos Experiment Runs -> Created time -> Month.
The second field would be count.
The third field is not readily available, hence you can create a custom field. To create a custom field, click Custom Fields -> Add -> Custom Dimension.
To create the query to customize the field, use lookML query. Provide a name and click Save.
To visualize the results with respect to passed and failed experiment runs, click the settings button of the Experiment Status and select Pivot.
When you click Run, chaos dashboard displays the graph of number of failed and passed experiment runs (x-axis) over different months (y-axis).
If you wish to save your visualization, click Save. Otherwise, you can Cancel and add visualizations again.